Schuko Unternehmensprojekte


Diese Weiterbildung soll die Führungskräfte der Schuko GmbH qualifizieren, ein zukunftsorientiertes Führungsverständnis herzuleiten und umzusetzen.

Einführung Lean Management

Um unsere Geschäftsprozesse und vor allem unsere Auftragsprozesse weiter zu digitalisieren, führen wir das "Lean Management" ein.
Schuko Bad Laer betrifft das in den Bereichen "Lean Produktion" und "Lean Administration". Dieses Projekt wird mit Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung gefördert.

Weiterbildung Lean Production

Der Standort Schuko Trebbin erhält eine Weiterbildung zum Thema "Lean Production". Diese Maßnahme wird durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg gefördert. Der Europäische Sozialfonds (ESF) ist Europas wichtigstes Instrument zur Förderung der Beschäftigung. Er fördert die Chancengleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, unterstützt die Menschen beim Zugang zu besseren Arbeitsplätzen und bei der beruflichen Bildung und Qualifizierung.
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Compacto briquetting presses

Hydraulic briquetting of cutting waste in the form of, e.g.,

  • sawdust, wood shavings and wood chips
  • plastic chips (styrene, polystyrene foam, PU, PVC)
  • shredded paper and paper dust
  • biomass (Miscanthus, hemp)
  • nonferrous metal swarf (copper, aluminium, zinc, bronze, brass)
  • shredded recycled materials
  • tobacco dust
  • jeans dust

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Warehouse storage and further processing of loose production waste use up space and money. Considerable savings can be achieved with a briquetting press. With briquetting you can dispose of dust and shavings waste economically and space-savingly without generating significant amounts of dust.

Hydraulic compaction is used to press loose shavings into briquette form. Depending on the characteristics of the shavings, the volume can thereby be reduced to as little as 1/5 the original volume. Briquettes can be stored without any problems in the smallest of spaces and are easy to transport. In addition it is even possible to store wood briquettes safely because no ATEX zone is created in the storage area.

Did you know that two kilograms of wood briquettes can replace an entire litre of heating oil?

By burning self-produced wood briquettes, you can save over 83% in heating costs! Thus a waste material is turned into a highly economical raw material that brings with it minimised costs. However, if the pure wood briquettes are not intended for in-house burning, they can easily be sold. The demand for recyclable waste materials such as paper, plastic or biomass was never greater. With a briquetting press diverse materials can be processed to form briquettes and fed back into the circular flow. Depending on the shavings type, moisture content and bulk weight, approx. 30 to 250 kilograms of material are processed to form pellets every hour.

The press can be mounted in various ways, even with systems already in place, and offers easy entry into the recycling of waste shavings. With the different sizes and performance levels the system can work efficiently in the given situation and only consume energy where it is really needed. What good is a promising briquetting system if the ancillary costs are too high?

Added energy efficiency

Energy savings also play a crucial role in the forming of briquettes. With a new, highly efficient technology we were able to minimise the amount of power consumed during compaction.

The Compacto CT 1100 S-20 plus briquetting press generation with volume flow control (VFC) technology achieves up to 40% higher briquetting performance with the same energy consumption!

A unique briquetting system that can achieve up to 18 press strokes per minutes at a pressing pressure of approx. 80 bar. At an average briquette diameter of 6 cm and a briquette length of 5 cm, we can output over 80 to 100 kg of briquettes per hour with just 3 kW of hydraulic power, depending on the shavings type.

To reduce the load and noise peaks a new, highly efficient pump technology is used in the VFC briquetting presses to provide for optimal efficiency. The pump independently regulates the flow rate according to the required pressure.

Other advantages

  • High system availability through electronic monitoring and control of process parameters including transmission of system messages in real time
  • Environmental protection through automated safety shutdown in case of oil loss via oil level monitor
  • Overheating protection and higher operational reliability through temperature and level monitoring of the hydraulic oil
  • Diverse application areas for various materials
  • Low acquisition costs
  • Modification of briquette strength on touch panel via digital pressure switch
  • Space-saving, individualised installation with custom extension possible
  • Hinged cover for easy access to briquetting press for maintenance and service

PLC with state-of-the-art touch screen

  • Detailed and clear text display for user-friendly data retrieval
  • Various language settings including German, English, French and Polish
  • Custom settings such as: material type, contact pressure for briquette hardness, delay times depending upon volume of material
  • Detailed fault messages in plain text with history
  • Automatic service messages for maintenance and care

Technical data

Model Art. no Motor power
Weight approx.
Ø mm
Connection inner
Ø mm
Shavings briquette
Ø mm
CT 800 S-20 740 900 3,0 340 35 - 55 130 160 60
CT 1100 S-20 741 100 4,0 390 60 - 75 130 160 60
CT 1100 S-20 PLUS 741 200 3,0 425 80 - 100* 130 160 60
CT 2500 75/160 742 575 15,0 786 150 - 200 160 210 75

*with pressure of 80 bar


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