Schuko Unternehmensprojekte


Diese Weiterbildung soll die Führungskräfte der Schuko GmbH qualifizieren, ein zukunftsorientiertes Führungsverständnis herzuleiten und umzusetzen.

Einführung Lean Management

Um unsere Geschäftsprozesse und vor allem unsere Auftragsprozesse weiter zu digitalisieren, führen wir das "Lean Management" ein.
Schuko Bad Laer betrifft das in den Bereichen "Lean Produktion" und "Lean Administration". Dieses Projekt wird mit Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung gefördert.

Weiterbildung Lean Production

Der Standort Schuko Trebbin erhält eine Weiterbildung zum Thema "Lean Production". Diese Maßnahme wird durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg gefördert. Der Europäische Sozialfonds (ESF) ist Europas wichtigstes Instrument zur Förderung der Beschäftigung. Er fördert die Chancengleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, unterstützt die Menschen beim Zugang zu besseren Arbeitsplätzen und bei der beruflichen Bildung und Qualifizierung.
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automation solutions for extraction and filter systems

Automation for extraction systems and filtration equipment

for an intelligent and networked machine outfit

What is the automation and control of production processes all about?

The automation and control of production processes in extraction systems and filter systems enables products to be manufactured more efficiently and cost-effectively and safety standards to be met.

It is simply about less manpower and more machines. In business terms one could say: The substitution of the factor work by the factor operating resource - and this as autonomously as possible.

As a Schuko subsidiary, LS Automation is a specialist for innovative control systems.

In order to focus more intensively on automation technology, Schuko spun off its electrical department in mid-2014 and founded a new subsidiary - LS-Automation GmbH & Co. KG - in Bad Laer. Schuko has been building switchgears since 1987. As an autonomous company, LS Automation continues this tradition for Schuko in order to meet the requirements of modern automation technology and expand its field of activity.

The goal is switchgears with appropriate automation technology for the sustainable and efficient operation of plants and machines. LS Automation relies on "Lean Solutions" in the automation world. Lean but efficient solutions for customers in trade and industry. Systems in the field of filters and dedusting equipment as well as heating, air and climate control in buildings are the main fields of operation. Solutions from planning and configuration to installation and maintenance are offered - complete solutions from a single source.

More information about LS Automation can be found here:

Automation solutions of Schuko extraction technology

Intelligent and automated control is indispensable for the operation, safety and energy efficiency of your extraction and filtration system. The machine-to-machine communication and the resulting automatic reactions are based on state-of-the-art, intelligent control software and intelligent control technology.

Schuko uses the WEBCONET control system developed in-house by the group of companies for its entire system program, which is individually designed and configured to customer requirements. The linking and communication of the machines connected to an extraction system including the required data exchange is also realised via this control system.

Today you should not do without the following automation solutions:


1 Performance adjustment
The continuous and automated adjustment of the extraction capacity to the actual requirements of the connected machines is the prerequisite for the energy-efficient operation of an extraction and filtration system. Schuko relies on intelligent control technology that constantly communicates with the extraction system and the connected components and only requests the actual required output.

2 Monitoring
Operational safety is very important at Schuko! All of our systems come equipped with monitoring control components as standard in order to prevent faults. The evaluation and processing of the operating states as well as the resulting messages and actions are fully automatic.
Operating states are forwarded as required to external reporting systems via an open interface.

3 Safety
Due to the increased requirements in terms of employee protection and fire and explosion protection pursuant to EU – directives, monitoring functions are an essential component of control technology. In addition to the prescribed requirements, WEBCONET offers numerous additional functions and interfaces for customer-specific security solutions.

4 Communication
As much as necessary, as little as possible: The extraction systems are fully autonomous in their functions and adjust fully automatically to the changing operating conditions. Basic operating parameters and operating states are recorded in the background and can be recalled as needed. At the same time, integration into a host computer system can take place via standardised interfaces. Direct transmission to smart – systems is also easily possible via an integrated WLAN – system or via the Internet. For remote maintenance purposes, as well as in connection with preventive maintenance, various connection options are available which are adapted to the requirements of the customers in the course of the implementation of the GDPR.

more about the WEBCONET smart system®

Have we aroused your interest?

Then contact us. We would be happy to discuss your requirements and an optimal solution for the automation of your extraction and filtration system.
