Schuko Unternehmensprojekte


Diese Weiterbildung soll die Führungskräfte der Schuko GmbH qualifizieren, ein zukunftsorientiertes Führungsverständnis herzuleiten und umzusetzen.

Einführung Lean Management

Um unsere Geschäftsprozesse und vor allem unsere Auftragsprozesse weiter zu digitalisieren, führen wir das "Lean Management" ein.
Schuko Bad Laer betrifft das in den Bereichen "Lean Produktion" und "Lean Administration". Dieses Projekt wird mit Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung gefördert.

Weiterbildung Lean Production

Der Standort Schuko Trebbin erhält eine Weiterbildung zum Thema "Lean Production". Diese Maßnahme wird durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg gefördert. Der Europäische Sozialfonds (ESF) ist Europas wichtigstes Instrument zur Förderung der Beschäftigung. Er fördert die Chancengleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, unterstützt die Menschen beim Zugang zu besseren Arbeitsplätzen und bei der beruflichen Bildung und Qualifizierung.
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Schuko awarded environmental technology prize

With the new ARS extraction system, SCHUKO Bad Saulgau successfully took part in the Environmental Technology Award and took 3rd place in the
Category III: Emission reduction, treatment and separation techniques

Since 2009, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy has been awarding the Environmental Technology Prize every two years for outstanding and innovative products in environmental technology. The prize money is divided into four categories: "Energy Efficiency", "Material Efficiency", "Emission Reduction, Processing & Separation" and "Measurement and Control Technology, Industry 4.0". The prize is awarded to products that make a significant contribution to resource efficiency and environmental protection and are about to be launched on the market or have been on the market for no more than two years. Companies with their registered office or branch in Baden-Württemberg are eligible to participate.

The ARS extraction system uses a new combination of blowing and extraction instead of pure extraction. Adjustable air nozzles blow the air in a targeted manner via the cutting point towards the extraction opening. All chips and fine dusts are collected and extracted there. The blowing air flow has a 30 times higher range than suction flows. With this system, many more chips and dusts are collected and dust emissions at the workplace and energy requirements are significantly reduced. The market opportunities for the extraction system are considered to be outstanding, as the system is the first truly functional and universally applicable solution for five-axis machining.

"The nomination/placement is a special distinction for our work and commitment. It is a further incentive for us to continue exactly there: in the development of products that are not only innovative, but also make a meaningful contribution when it comes to increasing environmental protection and occupational safety," says Andre Schulte-Südhoff, Managing Director of SCHUKO Bad Saulgau GmbH & Co. KG.

more about the award ceremony

more about the ARS-Extraction-System

Seal Environmental Technology Award 2019
Politicians congratulate SCHUKO and the Fraunhofer IPA research institute

Member of the State Parliament Klaus Burger, the Mayor of Bad Saulgau Doris Schröter and the First State Commissioner Rolf Vögtle congratulate the SCHUKO Managing Directors and Andreas Gebhardt (Research Institute Fraunhofer IPA) on the Environmental Technology Award

Group photo award ceremony environmental technology prize 2019