Schuko Unternehmensprojekte


Diese Weiterbildung soll die Führungskräfte der Schuko GmbH qualifizieren, ein zukunftsorientiertes Führungsverständnis herzuleiten und umzusetzen.

Einführung Lean Management

Um unsere Geschäftsprozesse und vor allem unsere Auftragsprozesse weiter zu digitalisieren, führen wir das "Lean Management" ein.
Schuko Bad Laer betrifft das in den Bereichen "Lean Produktion" und "Lean Administration". Dieses Projekt wird mit Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung gefördert.

Weiterbildung Lean Production

Der Standort Schuko Trebbin erhält eine Weiterbildung zum Thema "Lean Production". Diese Maßnahme wird durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg gefördert. Der Europäische Sozialfonds (ESF) ist Europas wichtigstes Instrument zur Förderung der Beschäftigung. Er fördert die Chancengleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, unterstützt die Menschen beim Zugang zu besseren Arbeitsplätzen und bei der beruflichen Bildung und Qualifizierung.
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Chip conveyor system VacoFlow

for mechanical chip conveyance

  • replaces the main trunk lines of an extraction and filtration system
  • Pneumatic conveyance is replaced by a mechanical chain system
  • Lower resistance provides for effective energy savings
  • No more deposits in ducts
  • Lower filter loading because coarse material is removed in advance

on this product?


For pneumatic conveyance (transport by airflow) of production waste a great deal of energy is required, especially for very long duct paths. The air resistance is very high in a complex system, which means that the extraction fans require a high motor power and hence consume a large amount of energy. To counter this problem, Schuko developed the VacoFlow, a mechanical chip conveyance system.

The VacoFlow is installed in place of the conventional main trunk line. The material extracted from all connected machines is first pneumatically conveyed into the VacoFlow, rather than taking the long duct paths to the filter. The heavy particles sink to the bottom of the VacoFlow and fine dust is guided directly to the filtration system via an extraction fan.

By means of the chain conveyor system, the collected chips are mechanically conveyed and discharged to the ATEX rotary airlock. The lower air resistance leads to a considerable output and energy savings in the fans. The filtration system also does not have to handle coarse material, which dramatically improves the life of the filter bags. The VacoFlow can be operated at full load or at part load.

With multiple connection points and preplanned reserves, the VacoFlow can be flexibly used with your machine outfit. Conversion or addition of machines is no problem.

Other advantages

  • Effective energy savings potential at full system availability
  • System expansion possible at any time
  • Lower resistance, resulting in lower line losses in extraction systems
  • Better energy utilisation due to use of special high-efficiency fans (shrouded impellers)
  • Optimal for full-load or part-load operation
  • No deposits in ducts as material is mechanically transported
  • Lower loading of downstream filter with chip material and hence longer filter medium life


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